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Is there a connection?

September 9, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

The investigators with Protecting Nyingma uncovered an interesting coincidence and shared with our readers last April. Bill Cassidy’s blog, Digital Tibetan Buddhist Altar, had  not seen any activity since February 15th of this year…until December 22nd when he was released from detainment.

Coincidentally or not, investigators discovered that Tulku Ogyen’s blog, ogyentulku.blogspot.com, had  no new posts since January 18th. Could there possibly be a connection? It will be interesting to see if his blog suddenly shows signs of activity.  Is it possible that Tulku Ogyen’s blog was hijacked by Cassidy? Only time will tell, but it is an interesting fact.

In the past we could direct you our post, A Concerned Student Speaks Up, dated February 26, 2010 that discussed the connection between Tulku Ogyen and William Cassidy, however that student has asked us to remove the post now that Cassidy has been released, as they fear for their safety and the safety of their family.  William Cassidy is known for retribution.

It is hard to imagine why a real tulku such as Tulku Ogyen would want anything to do with a violent felon such as William Cassidy who lies about being a tulku and launched virulent and threatening attacks on other authentic tulkus online. Certainly it is hard to see how it could be for the benefit of sentient beings, which is supposed to be the one and only purpose for which tulkus appear in the world. Again, one can only speculate.


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